Hiroia krempfi

(Fize & Serène, 1955a)

Carapace depressed and covered with granules and longish setae; anterior part of gastric region L-shaped, separated from the fronto-orbital border by a large depression and from the branchial regions by shallow furrows extending to lateral borders of carapace, a rather deep H-shaped furrow separates gastric, branchial, and cardio-intestinal regions from each other; front concave and fringed with spinules and setae; internal orbital corner slightly protruding and granule-topped; external orbital angle reaching beyond internal orbital one, antero-lateral border behind it granulate with granules decreasing in size fore to aft. Chelipeds homochelous, not stout, upper border of palm nearly as long as its height, but shorter than dactyl. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Range: Japan - Yaeyama-retto (Takeda & Tamura, 1981c), Hachijo-jima (Takeda & Tamura, 1985); Vietnam - Nha Trang (Fize & Serène, 1955a, 1957).