Fungicola fagei

(Fize & Serène, 1955a)

Carapace subquadrangular and longer than broad, depressed, anterior half broader than posterior half, surface covered with fine granules; median gastric region feebly convex and its posterior part not separated from cardio-intestinal region, branchial regions separated from both, mid-gastric and cardio-intestinal regions by shallow furrows; front moderately concave; internal orbital angle falling much shorter than external; antero-lateral borders armed with spinules and moderately convex, lateral borders behind it slightly concave. Cheliped not stout; merus as well as upper borders of carpus and palm covered with fine granules. Upper face of coxae of third to fifth pereiopods with a small forward protruding lobe. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Range: Japan - Kuroshima and Ishigaki-jima, Okinawa (Takeda & Tamura, 1979); Vietnam - Nha Trang (Fize & Serène, 1955a, 1957).