Pseudohapalocarcinus ransoni

Fize & Serène, 1955a

Carapace sparsely covered with minute granules, being larger in median part and smaller on anterior and posterior, regions very faintly indicated, a transverse shallow furrow present in front of gastric region continuing towards lateral borders and separating hepatic from branchial regions, another shallow furrow separates this last one from cardio-intestinal region; front moderately concave and finely denticulated, with a small median projection; internal orbital angle blunt; antero-lateral borders with external orbital angle sharper than internal orbital spine. Eyestalks very short and stout, bearing some minute granules. Chelipeds homochelous, rather slender; upper and outer faces of merus, carpus, and palm covered with fine granules and sparse short setae. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Range: Japan - Arakawa, Ishigaki-jima, Okinawa (Takeda & Tamura, 1980d); China - Paracel Islands (Dai & Yang, 1991); Vietnam - Nha Trang (Fize & Serène, 1955a, 1957); Philippines - Palawan (Serène, 1966); Palau (Kropp, 1990); Guam (Kropp, 1990); Caroline Islands - Pohnpei (Kropp, 1990).