Cryptochirus planus

(Takeda & Tamura, 1983)

Carapace moderately convex, covered with longish setae and granules; gastric region convex, bordered antero-laterally by an oblique depression on both sides, forming together a L immediately behind frontal margin, separation of metagastric region from adjacent branchial ones faintly indicated by a very shallow furrow, separation from cardio-intestinal region much clearer by a transverse furrow; front moderately concave and armed with spinules; internal orbital angle obtuse; external orbital angle armed with a granule and reaching well beyond internal orbital one; antero-lateral border behind it granulated. Chelipeds homochelous, not stout, upper border of palm a little longer than its height, but shorter than dactyl. Second pereiopods with upper borders of merus, carpus, and propodus covered with longish setae and granules. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Koza, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, 30 m.
Range: Japan - Koza, Wakayama Prefecture (Takeda & Tamura, 1983); 30 m.