Dacryomaia japonica

(Takeda & Tamura, 1981)

Carapace moderately convex as a whole and thickly covered with short setae and conical granules, which are small on its posterior part, anterior part moderately declivous obliquely downward; anterior part of gastric region separated antero-laterally from hepatic region by a deep furrow at each side, furrows of both sides combined to be a L at anterior median part behind front, posterior median part evenly convex and nearly confluent with other regions; front moderately concave and armed with spinules; internal orbital angle obtuse and not protruded beyond external orbital angle. Both chelipeds rather slender and homochelous; palm a little shorter along its upper border than its height and movable finger. Second and third pereiopods with dense longish setae and granules along upper borders; fourth and fifth pereiopods much less armed. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Kuroshima, Yaeyama-retto, Ryukyu-shoto, Japan.
Range: Japan - Yaeyama-retto and Ogasawara-shoto (Takeda & Tamura, 1981b), Hachijo-jima (Takeda & Tamura, 1985).