Pinnotheres gordoni

Shen, 1932

Diagnosis: Carapace flattened. Regions traceable. Dactylus of third maxilliped very small, attached to middle of penultimate segment and extended behind its extremity. Third pair of ambulatory legs longest. Dactyli long, of fourth leg subequal to propodus of the same leg. Sternal sutures not extended medially to the abdominal cavity.

Description of male: Carapace nearly flattened and little broader than long, its posterior portion much broader than anterior. Surface coarsely pitted except the median regions. Regions traceable. Gastric and cardiac regions defined by a transverse groove, surface somewhat depressed on either side of this groove. In that depression situated a small lobe. Branchial region pubescent on its lateral portion.
Front produced anteriorly beyond orbit, its surface pitted and grooved along median line, its anterior margin nearly truncate when viewed dorsally, its median portion triangularly deflexed. Orbit small, eye large and protruded. Antennula obliquely placed. Antenna small, its flagellum about four-segmented.
Merus-ischium of third maxilliped with its inner angle quadrate, outer margin strongly arcuated. Propodus large. Dactylus small, narrowed distally and attached to middle of penultimate segment and extended behind its extremity. Exognath triangular in shape.
Chelipeds pubescent. Merus broadened distally. Carpus longer than broad. Palm swollen, inner surface more convex than outer. Movable finger bearing a tooth at its basal third. Immovable finger bearing two teeth at its base.
Ambulatory legs pubescent. Third pair longest. Second longer than first. Fourth shortest. Coxa scarcely pubescent. Basi-ischium and merus densely pubescent on its anterior margins and posterior surfaces. Carpi and propodi of second and third legs as hairy as those of Pinnotheres tsingtaoensis. Propodi broader than carpi. Dactyli nearly straight, with tips slightly curved and proportionately longer than those of Pinnotheres tsingtaoensis. Dactylus of fourth leg subequal in length to propodus of the same leg.
Sternum pitted, its suture between each two segments not extended medially to the abdominal cavity, the latter character not being found in other species of the genus so far examined.
Abdomen, except first and second segments, each of the other segments with its lateral margins more or less folded medially when viewed internally. Sixth segment with its lateral margins very slightly convex. Seventh with its distal margin broadly rounded. First male abdominal appendage with a small tip at its extremity. Its lateral margin bearing numerous plumose setae. (Shen, 1932: 152)

Type locality: Qingdao, Shandong Peninsula, China.
Range: Japan - Shidoko, Saga Prefecture, river mouth of Hama, Saga Prefecture (Miyake, 1961); China - Takushan, Liaodong Peninsula and Qingdao (Shen, 1932).