Typhlocarcinops genkaiae

Takeda & Miyake, 1972

Description of holotype: The carapace is rather narrow, its breadth being 1.35 times of its length; it is strongly convex fore and aft, but almost flat transversely; the dorsal surface is nearly naked and ill-defined only with shallow median furrows. The antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders are fringed with longish soft hairs. The antero-lateral border is indistinctly granulated and bears two teeth at a distance from the external orbital angle; each of the two teeth is not convex and bears its blunt tip near the anterior end. The postero-lateral border is almost longitudinal, or very slightly inclined, being thick and provided with minute granules.
The front is composed of convex two teeth with a median depression, and each lateral angle is more or less angulated with the constriction formed by the ovate orbits in which the eyestalk is tightly embedded; along the anterior lower surface of the orbit is a row of minute granules that are invisible from above; the cornea is small and terminal-ventral, being well pigmented. The fronto-orbital border is wider than half the breadth of the carapace. The third maxilliped is broad, the antero-external angle of the merus is somewhat angulated, but not produced.
The chelipeds are equal. The merus is short, and its inner surface is entirely excavated; its upper border is fringed with long soft hairs, bearing a small subterminal tubercle. The carpus is also provided with soft hairs, but naked for its greater outer surface; its inner angle is rather acute, but not distinctly tuberculated; near the angle are scattered minute granules. The palm is compressed, and both borders are more or less distinctly carinated; the lower border is bordered with prominent granules. The lower border of the immovable finger is devoid of granules and hairs, but also distinctly carinated; the outer upper border of the movable finger is rather strongly crested, and the upper surface is granulated and hairy along the half length. The cutting edges are distinctly but irregularly toothed, the tips being crossed to each other.
The ambulatory legs are long and bordered with long soft hairs. In the first three pairs the anterior borders of the meri are devoid of them, but the merus of the last leg bears them like the other segments. Each dactylus of the first three pairs is lanceolate, tapering and bearing a sharp terminal claw, while in the last leg the dactylus is somewhat curved upwards near the tip.
The abdomen is comparatively wide; the first segment is linear, and each of the lateral extremities ends in a sharp angle near the lateral border of the eighth thoracic sternite. (Takeda & Miyake, 1972a)

Type locality: Tsushima, Japan, 34°45.9'N, 129°35.9'E, 64 m.
Range: Japan - north off Tsushima (Takeda & Miyake, 1972a, Takeda, 1973c); 64 m.