Notonyx vitreus

Alcock, 1900

Small species. Carapace, chelipeds and ambulatory legs glabrous, only with sparse longish hairs on distal three segments of ambulatory legs. Carapace narrowly quadrate, vaulted longitudinally; gastric and cardiac regions very faintly traced. Frontal margin transverse, entire, more than 1/3 and less than 1/2 as broad as carapace. Supraorbital margin longitudinal for its inner part, transverse and weakly sinuate for its outer part. Eyestalk inflated and constricted just near well developed cornea. Lateral margin of carapace shallowly isolated by a small interruption from external orbital angle which is indistinctly produced; its anterior 1/3 or less narrowly carinated; lateral margins of both sides subparallel or weakly convergent posteriorly, but each lateral wall of carapace is divergent. Chelipeds unequal; upper margin of merus crested for its proximal 2/3, and armed with a small, but distinct tooth at distal end of this crest; carpus with a tooth at its inner angle; palm more or less compressed, with blunt upper and weakly ridged lower margins. Ambulatory legs very slender. (Takeda, 1989)

Type locality: Andaman Sea, 96 m.
Range: Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1900b); Japan - Oshima Passage, Amami-Oshima (Takeda, 1989); Indonesia - Flores and south of Salawati (Tesch, 1918b); 32-91 m.