Jonesius triunguiculatus

(Borradaile, 1902)

Carapace feebly shagreened, granules immediately behind front larger, arranged in almost parallel lines. Frontal margin medially concave, sinuous. Postorbital angle inconspicuous. Inferior orbital angle developed into rounded tooth, microscopically tuberculate. Antero-lateral margin rounded, bearing two effaced teeth. Postero-lateral margin strongly convergent. Anterior margin of buccal frame horizontal, minutely notched medially.
Exognath of external maxilliped columnar, somewhat tapered; small rounded tooth on inner margin. Lateral margins of ischium of endognath subparallel, proximal margin obliquely truncate, distal margin evenly concave. Inner distal angle of merus truncate, outer distal angle rounded.
Chelipeds markedly unequal. Ishial anterior margin straight. Merus feebly granulate, anterior margin rounded. Carpus tuberculate, globose. Palm of large chela massive, tuberculate, on upper margin tubercles arranged in longitudinal rows; largest tubercles on superior external surface. Entire upper and outer surfaces covered with fine down-like setae. Dactyl and immovable finger bearing prominent granules, their cutting edges conspicuously toothed. Palm of smaller chela less tuberculate, dactyl with three rows of pointed tubercles proximally on upper margin; cutting edges sharply carinate, smooth, furnished with long setae interiorly, meeting throughout. Upper margin of ambulatory legs carinate, minutely granulate, sparsely setose. Dactyl with five pairs of curved, cornute spines on interior surface; large cornute tooth on dactylar tip; anterior margin with three curved preapical spines.
First male pleopod somewhat flattened, a row of setae on inner margin, distally curved. (Galil & Takeda, 1986)

Type locality: Minicoy Island, Laccadive Islands.
Range: Kenya (Serène, 1984); Madagascar - Nosy Bé (Serène, 1984); Aldabra Islands (Guinot, 1964b); Laccadive Islands - Minikoi (Borradaile, 1902b, Galil & Takeda, 1986); Chagos Archipelago - Salomon Island (Rathbun, 1911); Japan - Tokuno-shima and Amami Ohima (Miyake & Takeda, 1967), Yaeyama-retto (Sakai, 1976a), Kuroshima, Okinawa, Ogasawara-shoto and Hachijo-jima (Galil & Takeda, 1986); China - Paracel Islands (Dai & Yang, 1991); Mariana Islands - Guam (Galil & Takeda, 1986); Palau - Babeldaob I. (Galil & Takeda, 1986); Caroline Islands - Aulong Reef, Ponape I., and Ant Atoll (Galil & Takeda, 1986); Indonesia - Binongko Island, Banda Island, Gorong and Misool (Castro, 1999); Gilbert Islands - Onotoa (Galil & Takeda, 1986); Hawaiian Islands - Molokai (Rathbun, 1906, Galil & Takeda, 1986), Pearl and Hermes reef (Galil & Takeda, 1986); Society Islands - Raiatea (Galil & Takeda, 1986); Galapagos Islands - Onslow I. (Galil & Takeda, 1986).