Calocarcinus lewinsohni

Takeda & Galil, 1980

Description of holotype: Carapace convex, smooth and octagonal. Frontal margin slightly produced beyond orbits, indistinctly emarginated and bearing no median sinus, it measures 3/7 of greatest width of carapace. Eyes large, not entirely contained in orbits, slightly protruding beyond the general contour of the carapace. Inner suborbital angle meeting the front and excluding antenna. Second segment of antenna barely reaching front. Suborbital margin finely granulated throughout its length.
Antero-lateral margin of carapace slightly convex and minutely granulated to the first tooth, the distance being a little more than between the first and second teeth, both of which are conical with rounded tips. Lateral margins between the pairs of antero-lateral teeth straight and slightly converging posteriorly. Postero-lateral margins strongly convergent.
Chelipeds long, stout and unequal, the right being the larger. Right cheliped longer than maximum width of carapace by third; chela smooth, upper margin forming a ridge delineated by two furrows; fingers are toothed throughout the length of cutting edges, the teeth on the immovable one are more conical and regular in shape; inner angle of carpus forming a prominent tooth; merus minutely tuberculated.
Dactyli and propodi of ambulatory legs fringed with long hairs; dactyli armed with numerous short spines. (Takeda & Galil, 1980)

Type locality: west of Nii-jima, Isu-shoto, Japan, 34°25.7'N, 139°10.9'E - 34°28.6'N, 139°12.8'E, 70-220 m.
Range: Japan - Izu-shoto (Takeda & Galil, 1980); 70-220 m.