Tetralia rubridactyla

Garth, 1971

Carapace rounded. Frontal margin arched, evenly denticulate. Front continuous with crenate superior orbital angle. Postorbital angle unobtrusive. Lower margin of antennular fossa sinuous. Anterior margin of buccal frame slightly concave. Distal half of endopod of first maxilliped rectangular, anterior margin bearing few setae. Anterior margin of cheliped merus distinctly crested, dentate.
First male pleopod curved, distally fringed with setae.
Colour (in alcohol): Carapace tawny, front and antero-lateral margins dark brown. Ventrally, a dark brown band extends to the posterior part of the lateral margin. Thoracic sternum and abdomen yellowish-white. Meri and carpi of chelipeds suffused with dark brown distally; dorsal portion of palm maroon; dorsal surface of dactyl orange red. Pereiopods yellowish but for maroon spots on distal portions of carpi, propodi and dactyli. (Galil, 1988b)

Range: Somalia - Gesira (Galil & Clark, 1988, Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Kenya - Lamu Channel (Serène, 1984), Mombasa, Lamu Channel and Tiwi (Castro, 1999a), Mombasa and Lamu Channel (Castro, 1999b); Seychelles - (Rathbun, 1911, Serène, 1984, Castro, 1999b), Coëtivy, Praslin, Mahé, Remire Reef, Aride Island, Bird Island, St. Joseph Atoll and Poivre Atoll (Castro, 1999a); Aldabra Islands (Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Farquhar Islands (Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Mayotte Islands (Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Mozambique - Delagoa Bay (Barnard, 1950), Delagoa Bay and Inhaca (Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Madagascar - Nosy Komba and Banc du Geyser (Serène, 1984), Cap Diego, Banc du Leven and banc du Geyser (Castro, 1999a), Banc du Geyser and Banc du Leven (Castro, 1999b); Réunion (Serène, 1984, Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Mauritius (Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Saya de Malha Bank (Castro, 1999b); Maldives - (Borradaile, 1902b), Malé Atoll (Galil, 1988b), Kaafu Atoll and Vaavu Atoll (Castro, 1999a, 1999b); Sri Lanka - Weligama Bay (Galil, 1988b); Japan - Shiono-misaki, Yaku-shima and Okinawa (Castro, 1999b); Taiwan - (Castro, 1999b), Lan-Yü (Chang et al., 1987), Yeih-Lia and Nan-wan (Galil, 1988b); Mariana Islands - Saipan (Galil, 1988b), Saipan and Guam (Castro, 1999b); Indonesia - Ternate, Kera near Timor and Kupang, Timor (Galil, 1988b), Pulau Tikus (Castro, 1999a), Pulau Tikus, Sumatra, and Melolo, Sumba (Castro, 1999b); Arafura Sea (Castro, 1999b); Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby (Castro, 1999b); Australia - Heron Island (Serène, 1984, Castro, 1999b), Holmes reef near Cairns, Cairns reef near Cooktown, Hayman Island, Heron Island, and Lizard Island (Galil, 1988b), Cairns Reef, Swain Reefs and Lizard Island (Castro, 1997a); Chesterfield Island (Castro, 1997a, 1999b); Caroline Islands - Ifalik (Castro, 1999b); Marshall Islands - Enewetak Atoll, Rigili Island, and Bikini Atoll (Galil, 1988b), Enewetak, Bikini and Arno (Castro, 1999b); Kiribati - Onotoa Atoll (Galil, 1988b), Onotoa and Orona (Castro, 1999b); Fiji (Castro, 1999b); Society Islands - Moorea and Tahiti (Castro, 1997b, Castro, 1999b).