Globopilumnus laciniatus

(Sakai, 1980)

The entire animal is thickly covered with a tomentum and longish hair. On denudation, the carapace and ambulatory legs are smooth. The dorsal surface of carapace is scattered with longish and erected tubercles, several of which are found on the gastric, hepatic and inner branchial areas. The frontal and upper orbital margin is marked with two fissures.
Of the four antero-lateral teeth, the first or external orbital one is broad and marked with several tubercles, the second and third ones are laciniated at tip and the fourth one simple and small. The postero-lateral borders are armed with several spines.
The left cheliped is heavier than that of opposit side. The arm and wrist of both chelipeds are armed with rather longish spines, while the palm of the left cheliped is covered with rather low spines on upper and outer surfaces, and the fingers covered with squamiform tubercles; in the right cheliped, the palm and fingers are set with longish spines as in the preceeding segments. Merus, carpus and propodus of the ambulatory legs are armed with longish spines mainly along the anterior borders. (Sakai, 1980)

Description of holotype: Entire body tubercular and hairy. Cephalothorax rather thick. Upper surface of carapace very convex in the anterior direction and moderately so in posterior and lateral directions; covered densely with short and soft hairs, and sparsely with longish hairs; bearing rather high, small and scattered tubercles except on central portion and neighbouring parts, tubercles smaller and more numerous on frontal and metabranchial regions; well areolated by wide, deep and glabrous interregional grooves, the median groove and the one running from near outer notch of supraorbital border to metagastric region most prominent.
Front very narrow, distance between internal angles of orbits measuring a little less than a third of breadth of carapace, much deflexed, divided into two slightly convex lobes by a V-shaped notch, the margins finely granulated, without external lobule and not separated by an incision from the internal orbital angle. Supraorbital border bearing two convex lobes beside external orbital angle, each provided with three or four tubercles, two deep supraorbital fissures, external angle separated by a shallow notch from infraorbital border and forming a dominant lobe covered with granules, inferior orbital border presenting similar longish granules, its internal angle rather high, visible in dorsal view, and covered with smaller granules. Eyestalks covered with granules.
Basal antennal segment barely failing to touch the ventral prolongation of the front, third segment a little narrower and shorter than second segment, the flagellum about three times the major diametre of orbit and much longer than breadth of front.
Antero-lateral border a little shorter than postero-lateral, divided into four teeth, the first lowest and coalescent with external orbital angle, second and third triangular, slightly upturned and provided with some granules, the last also triangular but without granules; a prominent tubercle at the posterior basal margin of the fourth.
Under surface of carapace covered with larger granules. Anterior part of buccal frame distinctly crested. Surface of third maxilliped sparsely granulate. Sternum covered densely with smaller granules.
Chelipeds unequal (the right the larger), entire surface covered with tubercles and soft, short, dense hairs and sparse longish hairs between tubercles, these varying in size and form according to their position, tubercles on upper side of wrist and palm of larger cheliped largest, those on same segments of smaller cheliped more conic; wrists with a lare and sharp projection at internal angle. Fingers furrowed, immovable finger of larger hand with seven teeth on cutting edge, the third tooth largest, movable finger also with seven teeth, the proximal tooth largest; cutting edges of smaller hand sharp and divided roughly into three lobes each bearing small teeth.
Ambulatory legs rather slender, merus bearing eight longish tubercles on anterior border and six low ones on outer surface near posterior border, carpus bearing two rows of tubercles on anterior border and a row on middle of outer surface, propodus bearing tubercles in almost same pattern as carpus except the position of lower row, dactylus almost unarmed and provided with long, dense plumose hairs, with a sharp, horny claw.
Abdomen seven-segmented, covered with smaller granules.
First pleopod of male stout, slightly curved and tapering, bearing spines on distal portion. Second pleopod very long and slender, greatly exceeding the tip of first pleopod, its thread-like flagellum coiled.
Abdomen of female paratypes much narrower than sternum, densely fringed with long soft hairs, sternum and abdomen almost without granules; the number of tubercles on carapace variable: the paratype from Japan has fewer than the holotype; some paratypes have more. Usually the hairs of the entire body very dense. Of 11 paratypes seven have the right cheliped larger than the left. (Garth & Kim, 1983)

Type locality: off the coast of Kumano-nada, Japan.
Range: Japan - Kumano-nada (Sakai, 1980), Suno-saki, off Honshu (Garth & Kim, 1983); Philippines - Marinduque Island, east coast of Mindoro, between Negros and Siquijor, northern Mindanao (Garth & Kim, 1983); Indonesia - between Gillolo and Kayoa (Garth & Kim, 1983); Australia - Gabo Island, Victoria (Rathbun, 1923a, Ng & Tan, 1985); New Caledonia (Davie, 1997); Loyalty Islands (Davie, 1997); Norfolk Ridge (Davie, 1997); 260-625 m.