Planopilumnus pygmaeus

Takeda, 1977

Carapace more or less quadrate, weakly convex fore and aft, and thickly covered with a soft tomentum which makes a labyrinth appearance; most of regions traceable through a tomentum, and main regions with one or two club-shaped hairs; frontal regions of both sides transverse, with several long hairs in a transverse line; a small region behind frontal one connected with antero-inner part of protogastric region by a short strand of tomentum; protogastric region characteristically heart-shaped, subdivided into two by a longitudinal strand of tomentum, bearing as tuft of two or three hairs at its anterior median part; median gastric region gradually narrowed anteriorly as usual, and at posterior median part tomentum somewhat sparse; hepatic region rounded and isolated from protogastric and branchial regions and also from antero-lateral teeth, being tipped by a long hair; branchial regions traceable, but each region not always very distinct, with a tuft of two long hairs near hepatic region; cardiac and intestinal regions not distinct; two long hairs at each antero-external angle of cardiac part.
On denudation, surface uneven, with indication of regions, but without granules; hepatic region convex dorsally. Front declivous and separated into two convex lobes by a median narrow and deep incision; in frontal view lateral part of front deeply separated from long ventral prolongation of lateral end of front. Supraorbital border separated from front by a narrow dorsal sulcas; two interruptions distinct, and a median lobe thus formed lamellar and convex forward. External orbital angle conical in dorsal view. Infraorbital border serrated, fringed with longish setae and bears a small notch near external orbital angle; its inner angle only weakly convex. Antennal basal segment not quite reached ventral prolongation of front, orbital hiatus being thus occupied by second segment. Third maxilliped with a short tomentum; marginal setae of ischium short and sparse; merus quadrate and moderately angulated antero-externally.
Both chelipeds equal in size and shape, not so heavy, being thickly covered with a tomentum. Merus short and small; its posterior border sharp, with a distinct subdistal interruption, but unarmed. A tomentum of carpus makes an appearance of a labyrinth; one or two long club-shaped hairs distally on outer surface; on denudation, its inner angle armed with a conical granule, and outer surface with sparse similar granules. Outer surface of palm wholly covered with a thick tomentum and many long hairs, by which armature is entirely disguised; on denudation, some rows of pearly, or rather conical granules of good size. Fingers sharply toothed on cutting edges; upper border of proximal half of movable finger granulated and hairy. Ambulatory legs also prominently hairy; on denudation, anterior borders of meri sharp, but unarmed, and anterior border of first carpus with a few minute granules distally. (Takeda, 1977a)

Type locality: Ogasawara-shoto, Japan.
Range: Japan - Ogasawara-shoto (Takeda, 1977a).