Chlorodiella bidentata

(Nobili, 1901)

Carapace hexagonal, about 1.6 times as broad as long. Surface rather convex and smooth, regions ill defined. Front broad, slightly produced, with a shallow and wide median notch. Orbit somewhat convex, innerorbital angle bluntly round, outer angle obtusely angular. Antero-lateral margin with 4 teeth except the outerorbital angle; first 2 teeth small and obtuse, last two sharper and the third the largest. Antennal basal segment narrow and short, flagellum standing in the orbital hiatus. Merus of third maxillipeds concave on the anterior margin and with the outer-distal angle produced laterally.
Chelipeds smooth and asymmetrical. Merus long and armed with 2 acute teeth. Carpus with 1 tooth at inner angle. Palm of the larger chela in the male smooth in the lower half of the outer surface and with indistinct corrugation in the other portion, and granulated on the ventral margin. The movable finger with 4 teeth along its inner edge, the immovable one with teeth of various sizes. Its cheliped smaller and thinner. Palm about 1.5 times as long as the fingers. Ambulatory legs longer and thinner, first three pairs of meri finely serrated on the anterior margin, the last pair smooth; the first pair with carpus bearing large acute spines in the distal half of the anterior margin; the third pair with carpus bearing an indistinct spinule, dactylus long, with a row of spinules on the anterior margin and a few small granules on the posterior one; tip long and acute.
First pleopod of the male with distal one-third curved laterally, tip truncated. The sixth segment of the male abdomen rectangular; telson coniform. Carapace length of the male 4.4 mm, breadth 7 mm; of the female, length 7.3 mm, breadth 12.7 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Red Sea.
Range: Red Sea; India; Taiwan; China - Paracel Island (Chen & Lan, 1978), Hainan Island and Paracel Islands (Dai & Yang, 1991); Malaysia (Serène, 1984); Philippines - Quezon, Palawan (Serène, 1984); New Caledonia.