Odhneria acutidens

Sakai, 1983

Carapace is elegantly separated into numerous areolae by deep grooves, each of the areolae is covered with conical and independent tubercles of various sizes. The front is deeply bilobate and their margins are tuberculated, and the upper orbital eave is also thickly tuberculated. Among the frontal and gastric areas, 1F is rather rounded, 1M is high, and 2M is composed of two longitudinal areolae; 3M is separated into four small areolae, of which, the anterior one is very narrow and elongate, the next two are divided into two side by side and the last one is transverse. 4M and 1P are conjugated.
The antero-lateral border is composed of five teeth, the first or external orbital one is small, the second to fifth one are large and covered with tubercles, the top one of which is large and acuminate. An oblique groove extends from between the fourth and fifth antero-lateral teeth toward the intestinal area, the inner margin of which is arranged with several larger tubercles.
Chelipeds are massive, the wrist is armed with two teeth at the inner outer extremities; the surface of the wrist and palm are not separated into areolae and their exposed surfaces are sparingly covered with conical tubercles.
The male abdomen is composed of seven distinct segments; the 1st pleopod is slender, and its tip slightly hooked and bearing several long hairs. (Sakai, 1983)

Type locality: Kumano-nada, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
Range: Japan - Kumano-nada (Sakai, 1983).