Medaeus serratus

Sakai, 1965

The carapace is subhexagonal and the dorsal surface is strikingly areolated, each areola is covered with granules and depressed facets - The former being tiny and continuous, forming transverse of vermiculate series, and the latter appearing rather eroded. The front is subtruncate and double-edged, the median sinus U-shaped, with its bottom closed, The preorbital tooth is prominent, deeply separated from the frontal edge by a deep notch; there are two well-cut orbital fissures on the upper orbital margin. The outer orbital tooth is very thick and obtuse, covered with granules; the two suborbital teeth are prominent.
The antero-lateral borders are armed with four strong teeth, which are triangular in shape and dorsally carinate. Of these four teeth, the three posterior ones are on the level of the branchial region, while the anterior one is on the subhepatic area located on the ridge leading to the antero-external angle of the buccal frame. No distinct tooth on the true antero-lateral border behind the outer orbital tooth besides a few tubercles.
The chelipeds are massive and slightly asymmetrical; the merus is rather slender and prismatic, its upper border is armed with four teeth; the carpus is massive and its inner angle armed with a strong tooth, below which another small one may be found, and the upper and outer surfaces are granulated and eroded; the propodus is rugose and also eroded, and its upper inner border is armed with three or four granulated teeth. The black colour of the fingers does not extend onto the propodus.
The ambulatory legs are compressed, the merus, carpus and propodus elegantly crested along the anterior border; the crest of the merus is cut into four or five teeth, and that of the carpus into two lobes, while that of the propodus is marked with a large proximal one.
The male abdomen consists of seven distinct segments as in the female. The first pleopod of the male has its tip flat and spatulated. (Sakai, 1965)

Type locality: Kannonzuka-dashi, Sagami Bay, Japan, 85 m.
Range: Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1961), Sagami Bay, Kii Sakaihama and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1965a, b), Sagami Bay, Kii Minabe and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Shiono-misaki (Takeda, 1979a); 60-85 m.