Polydectus cupulifer

(Latreille, 1812)

Carapace and ambulatory legs with a dense villous coat, the setae of which are plumiform; front and antero-lateral margins entire. Movable finger with two remote slender spines within, and the thumb with three spines. A2 as long as front, flagellum 10-jointed.
The hands were overgrown with a kind of sponge, which had grown around and enclosed the fingers. The form in the figure is not exactly the form of the carapace, but that due to the position of the villous covering. A2 flagellum has two or three short setae at the apex of each of its joints. The last two joints of the base are much smaller than the first. P3-4 the longest. P1 equal. The fingers are like long, slender claws incurred at apex, and when shut the tips along close together. The spines of the inner margin nearest the apex are the smaller. On the outer side, towards the extremity, the fingers bear recurved setae. Female abdomen is very broad oval, and consists of seven segments. A1 occupy transverse fossettes situated mostly anterior to a line between the orbits. (Dana, 1852c: 227)

Type locality: Mauritius.
Range: Red Sea (Klunzinger, 1913, Guinot, 1976); Madagascar - Toliara (Serène, 1984); Coëtivy Islands (Rathbun, 1911); Mauritius (Latreille, 1812, Richters, 1880); Cocos-Keeling Islands (Tweedie, 1950b); Japan - Taketomi-jima, Okinawa (Sakai, 1976a); Singapore; Indonesia - Banda Neira (Serène, 1984); Hawaiian Islands - Hilo and Laysan (Rathbun, 1906), Oahu and Pearl and Hermes Islands (Guinot, 1976); Tuamotu Archipelago - Raraka (Dana, 1852); shallow waters.