Thalamita holthuisi

Stephenson, 1975

Front six-lobed, median notch deep and wide, median lobes moderately rounded and protruding, submedian lobes slightly truncate with moderately inclined inner margins, lateral lobes rounded and less broad than others. Inner orbital lobes broad and slightly curved.
Antero-lateral teeth five, 1-3 large and stout with 1 largest, 4 and 5 smaller, thinner with sharper tips and of equal size.
Carapace, apart from ridges, covered with fine pile of short hairs. Usual ridges present, frontals short, curved and very prominent, protogastrics an irregular line of coarse granules, mesogastrics with a posterior dip in center but no break, epibranchials interrupted at cervical groove but not medially, one pair of barely recognizable mesobranchials.
Basal antennal joint wider than major diametre of orbit, bearing sharp curved ridge with slightly irregular row of ca. 15-18 beaded granules. Between ridge and otocyst ca. 8 large rounded granules.
Third maxilliped with merus sparsely hirsute and with numerous small but obvious rounded granules. (In T. danae densely hirsute without obvious granules).
Chelipeds: Right larger than left, hairy and granular on all but under surface. Anterior border of arm with 3 usual spines. Wrist with inner and 3 outer spines. Upper surface of hand with 2 granular carinae each bearing 2 spines, outer distal spine often reduced to tubercle; outer surface with 3 carinae with large granules in rows on either side of upper one; inner surface with indistinct central carina again with rows of large granules on either side; under surface smooth but with hint of squamiform markings particularly near inner side.
Fifth leg with ca. 12 spines on posterior border of propodus.
Male abdomen: Ultimate segment approximately equilateral triangle with margins slightly concave, penultimate segment broader than long, slightly swollen distally. (Small males differ)
Male first pleopod elongate, thin, gradually tapering and distinctly curved behind tip. Subterminally on outer side and extending to under side ca. 7 short stout bristles, behind these ca. 6-12 elongate, forwardly directed bristles. Inner side with ca. 10-15 stout, elongate, forwardly directed spines forming an extended row. (Stephenson, 1975)

Type locality: Off Taliabu, Kepulauan Sula, Indonesia.
Range: Taiwan - Ping-tung Province (Huang & Yu, 1997); Indonesia - Kepulauan Sula, Kera near Timor, Morotai and Owi Island, Irian Jaya (Stephenson, 1975).