Charybdis acutifrons

(de Man, 1879)

Carapace covered with a dense tomentum; faint transverse granular lines on frontal, protogastric and mesogastric regions, epibranchial line interrupted at the cervical groove and but not across midline, behind this there are a cardiac and a pair of mesobranchial ridges; front with 6 very sharply pointed dark tipped teeth, all teeth of similar size; antero-lateral borders with 7 teeth of which the second and fourth are very small, seventh acute, smaller than the preceeding one; postero-lateral junctions rounded. Antennal flagellum excluded from orbit. Chelipeds pilose on upper surface, bare on lower one; merus with 3 strong spines on anterior border, posterior border with some granules, otherwise smooth; carpus with a strong internal spine, outer border with 3 spinules; palm smooth, with 5 spines on upper border. Merus of swimming leg with a subdistal posterior spine and an additional spinule at its distal end, propodus with a row of spinules on posterior border. (Türkay 1995)

Antennal flagellum excluded from orbital hiatus, basal antennal joint with 2 spines; frontal teeth very acutely triangular; posterior border of cephalothorax curved, forming curved postero-lateral junction; 5 large and 2 or 3 very small antero-lateral teeth; transverse cardiac and mesobranchial ridges present on carapace behind epibranchials. (Davie 1999)

Type locality: Timor.
Range: Madagascar - Nosy Bé (Crosnier & Thomassin, 1974); Japan - Kii Province (Takeda & Koyama, 1974), Kii Minabe and Yoron-jima (Sakai, 1976a), Kushimoto (Miyake, 1983); Taiwan - Kaohsiung Province, P'eng-hu, and Nanfangao (Huang & Yu, 1997); Indonesia - Pulau Berhala, Jakarta Bay, Timor and Maluku.