Cancer magister

Dana, 1852

Carapace about 1.5 times as broad as long, dorsal surface uneven, elevated spots coarsely granular; front tridentate, median tooth slightly larger and more advanced than laterals; antero-lateral border with 10 teeth including external orbital angles, each of those acutely pointed at the anterior end, teeth 2-8 increasing successively in width, edges denticulate, tenth tooth largest, strongly projecting; postero-lateral margin rimmed, entire. Merus of cheliped with a distal and subdistal spine above, carpus with a strong inner spine; palm with six carinae on upper outer surface, the uppermost spinous, as is also the margin of the dactyl for two-thirds of its length; immovable finger much deflexed, both fingers without dark colour. Ambulatory legs rough above and very broad and flat, especially the propodus and dactylus of the last pair. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Bay of San Francisco.
Range: Japan - Kushiro (Abe, 1981, Komai et al., 1992); Tanaga Island, Aleutian Islands to Magdalena Bay, Mexico; Pribilof Islands - St. George Islands (Jensen & Armstrong, 1987); Canada (Muraoka, 1998); Bay of San Francisco (Dana, 1852).