Parthenope lamellifrons

(Adams & White, 1848)

Carapace about as long as broad, dorsal surface with elevations, which are marked with roundish granules and processes. Front broadly triangular and slightly deflected, dorsal surface concave in the median. Dorsal margin of the orbit with a tuft of filiform setae. Ventral-orbital tooth triangular, with distinct postocular constriction. Lateral margin of hepatic region triangular, and the lateral margin of the branchial region bearing obtuse teeth. Postero-lateral margin armed with granules and a tooth. Posterior margin nearly smooth.
Chelipeds stout. Merus with basal half a little arched anteriorly. Palm covered with obtuse coniform processes except the dorsal margin which bears triangular teeth. Ambulatory legs slender and elongate, smooth and nearly cylindrical; dactylus longer than merus, both densely covered with short down except for the tip of the dactylus.
First pleopod of the male stout, distal portion covered with spines of various lengths, and apex divided into 2 rounded lobes. Male abdomen with sixth segments bearing an acute spine at the middle near the basal margin. Female abdomen broadly oval; telson triangular. Carapace length of the male 23.3 mm, breadth 23.5 mm; of the female, length 21.1 mm, breadth 20 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Range: Zanzibar; Red Sea; Seychelles; India; Sri Lanka; Andaman Islands; Japan; Korea Strait; China - Beibu Gulf (Shen et al., 1982), Hainan Island; Taiwan; Singapore; Philippines; Malay Archipelago; Australia; New Caledonia; Samoa.