Micippoides angustifrons

A. Milne Edwards, 1873

Surface, except ends of fingers, covered with coarse tubular setae, mixed with longer curved hairs of which there are many fine ones on the carapace, especially near the lateral margins, and very coarse ones on the margins of front, antennae and legs. Carapace subtriangular, with the lateral angles more rounded than shown in Edwards' figure 2, regions well delimited except the hepatic; a small areolet is situated on the inner side of the branchial region contiguous to the posterior half of the cardiac region. Front less deflexed than in Edwards' figure 2c. Rostral horns about 1/6 length of remainder of carapace, upturned near the extremity, tips incurved. Basal joint of antenna no broader than long, most advanced at inner angle, unarmed; remainder of antenna visible beside rostrum; first movable joint twice as long as second, together they exceed the flagellum. Postocular lobe set off by a deep gap, above and below; supraocular eave entire. The orbit is much less tubular than in the genus Macrocoeloma.
Chelipeds equal to median length of carapace, stoutish, palms inflated, narrowed distally, 1 1/3 times as long as fingers, which have denticulated edges and gape in their basal half. The fringes of curled hair on the legs make them appear stouter and more prismatic than they really are; the first pair reaches beyond the cheliped by the length of the dactylus.
There are two or three tubercles on the pterygostome. The merus of the outer maxillipeds is not so strongly produced outward as in Edwards' fig. 2b. The seven segments of the male abdomen are distinct. (Rathbun, 1911)

Type locality: Upolu, Samoa.
Range: Coëtivy Islands (Rathbun, 1911); Christmas Island (Calman, 1909); Japan - Ogasawara-shoto (Sakai, 1955a), Hachijo-jima and Ogasawara-shoto (Sakai, 1976a); China - Paracel Island (Chen H., 1980b); New Guinea; Samoa - Upolu (A. Milne Edwards, 1873); 10-30 m.