Pseudophilyra tridentata

Miers, 1879

Carapace elongate pyriform and its upper surface strongly convex and minutely punctulated under the lens. The front is proportionally broad and projecting beyond the epistome and its free edge is trilobate, the median lobule being always prominent and projecting obliquely downward. There is a median ridge extending between the median frontal lobe and the anterior surface of the gastric region. The postorbital neck is well developed as in the genus Leucosia; the hepatic margins are very slightly convex. The margins of the carapace behind the hepatic borders are defined by a ridge, which is beaded with fine granules under the lens.
The infraorbital lobe is completely fused with the anterior boundary of the pterygostomial region, which has an obscure indentation near its outer angle. The merus and ischium of the external maxillipeds are subequal in length, measured along the inner border; the exopodite is broadly foliaceous as in the genus Philyra.
Chelipeds in the adult male are 1 2/3 times the length of the carapace, in the female they are a little shorter. The coxa is completely embedded as there is no thoracic sinus on either side of the carapace. The arm is covered with flat granules on basal two thirds of the upper surface, the granules being arranged in longitudinal rows; on the under surface, however, the granules are very small. The wrist is small and smooth, the palm is flattened and very slightly broadened distally, its inner and outer borders are very weakly cristate. The fingers are shorter than the palm, the cutting edges are entire and meet only at the distal one third, the tips crossing with each other. The ambulatory legs are very slender, the dactylus in each pair is longer than the total length of carpus and propodus taken together, its tip being needle-like or hooked.
The abdomen of male consists of five pieces, its formula being 1 + 2 + R + 6 + T; the penultimate tergum has a small tooth in the median point. The abdomen of female also consists of five pieces (not in accordance with Alcock, who defined the female abdomen as 3 or 4 pieces), its formula being 1 + 2 + 3 + R + T. (Sakai, 1937)

Type locality: near Goto-retto, Japan.
Range: Red Sea; Persian Gulf (Alcock, 1896); Sri Lanka; Japan - near Goto-retto (Miers, 1879b), Shimoda and Misaki (Sakai, 1937a), Misaki, Shimoda, Tomo and Goto-retto (Sakai, 1976a), Shiono-misaki (Takeda, 1979a), Oshima Passage, Amami-Oshima (Takeda, 1989); Gulf of Thailand; Torres Strait; Australia - Maud Landing (Tyndale-Biscoe & George, 1962), Moreton Bay (Campbell & Stephenson, 1970).
(For correction of Japanese records see Komatsu & Takeda, 2000, part = Pseudophilyra intermedia Ihle, 1918)