Oreotlos havelocki

(Laurie, 1906)

Carapace 1.4 times broader than long, broadly pentagonal, regions not well-defined; dorsal surface almost smooth, covered with small flat granules; lateral expansions plate-like; median longitudinal ridge raised and distinct; short, shallow semi-circular groove on ventral surface encircling to sub-hepatic angle, groove meets two shallow, parallel, granule-lined grooves on branchiostegite region; branchiostegite with scattered large granules between parallel grooves, other regions quite smooth; shallow longitudinal groove lined with granules on region immediately after orbit on either side; branchial regions concave; postero-lateral margins upturned to form two granular triangular ridges on either side, top of ridges flattened to form “plateau” covered with large granules, ridges connected horizontally across by narrow ridge of large granules, posterior ends of oblique ridges continuous with lateral margins of carapace; region posterior to ridges sloping and concave, less granulated than “plateau”; deep, irregularly shaped, granule-lined groove on either side of cardiac and intestinal regions, does not reach posterior margin of carapace, posterior end of cardiac region bibbed with shallow groove in between lobes extending halfway anteriorly. Front produced, slightly upturned, weakly bibbed with shallow depression directly after median cleft; margin between hepatic and branchial regions on either side with closed shallow suture extending slightly into carapace (anterior sutures), postero-lateral margins with concavity halfway down from anterior angles of carapace; sub-hepatic angle obtuse and tipped with large raised granules; sternum with scattered large granules. Basal segment of antennule occupies half fossa when closed, fossae rimmed with small granules. Outer surface of third maxillipeds densely covered with small granules, inner surface glabrous; merus with pointed apex, outer edge forms obtuse angle one-third down from apex; ischium 2 times longer than merus along inner margin; outer surface with two barge granules along proximal edge. Outer surface of chelipeds covered with small flat granules and scattered large granules, inner surface less granulated; fingers as long as palm; immovable finger with one transverse row of small granules on outer surface, outer surface of movable finger with three parallel transverse rows of small granules forming two grooves; inner edges of merus lined by large granules, proximal end of outer edge with a few barge granules. Gl slim and long, distal quarter curved sharply, sparsely covered with short spines, long hairs immediately posterior to sharp curve extending to half of Gl, rest of Gl glabrous; apex with triangular, funnel-shaped opening; lateral borders with parallel short grooves. (Tan & Ng, 1995)

Type locality: Gulf of Mannar, Sri Lanka.
Range: Sri Lanka - Gulf of Mannar (Laurie, 1906); Madagascar (Tan & Ng, 1995); Indonesia (Tan & Ng, 1995); Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b, 1976).