Praebebalia taeniata

Takeda, 1977

Description of holotype: Carapace globular and as long as wide. Dorsum ill-defined only with low prominences at hepatic and intestinal regions, being thickly and uniformly covered with microscopical granules. Fronto-orbital margin raised. Front comparatively wide, and its lateral ends angulated and directed obliquely upward; median notch not distinct, and median dorsal longitudinal sulcas shallow; in dorsal view free margin of each lobe only widely convex just near median notch and feebly concave in the middle; in frontal view median part of front perpendicularly or more strongly directed downward as an anterior part of antennular septum; dorsal surface of front oblique toward a weak oblique ridge running from lateral end of free margin to median posterior part. Inner part of supraorbital border long and only weakly concave near lateral end of front; a supraorbital median lobe with convex margin formed by two small V-shaped notches followed each by a long slit; external orbital lobe prominent and more or less cupped; infraorbital lobe large and truncated along its outer margin, being separated from external orbital lobe by a deep V. Pterygostomial region and anterior margin of buccal frame visible from above beyond hepatic region and front, respectively. Third maxilliped convex at junction of ischium and merus; ischium and proximal half of exopod without distinct granules, but merus and distal half of exopod with microscopical pearly or rather conical granules; inner margin of merus as long as that of ischium; distal end of inner margin of merus sharply angulated, with nearly truncated and feebly convex outer margin; exopod as wide as ischium and merus. Male abdomen with four pieces; fused segment proximally with a low prominence at each side and distally with a median transverse ridge; terminal segment tapering and sharply pointed at its distal end, being about half the length of fused segment.
In spirit, the carapace is light brown and ornamented with a broad band of darker colour along the branchial margins across the intestinal region. This colour band may be characteristic of this species. (Takeda, 1977a)

Type locality: Ogasawara-shoto, Japan.
Range: Japan - Ogasawara-shoto (Takeda, 1977a).