Metadynomene tanensis

(Yokoya, 1933)

Carapace and appendages except extremities of legs covered with short and dense hairs; and with a few long setae on the margins of legs. Carapace subcircular, regions marked by some transverse grooves; five antero-lateral teeth very shallow and obtuse. Front broad triangular, grooved in the medial line. Upper and lower margin of orbit smooth, outer angle rounded. Meri and carpi of legs irregularly tuberculated. Chelipeds subequal, stouter and longer than succeeding legs; fingers naked near the extremities, with deeply excavated extremities, inner edges dentate, gaping at the base when closed; last leg slender and shorter than one half of the preceeding leg, the tip minutely chelate. (Yokoya, 1933)

Type locality: Tanegashima, Japan, 219 m.
Range: Japan - Tanegashima (Yokoya, 1933), Yoron-jima, Taketomi-jima, and Ogasawara-shoto (Sakai, 1976a); Taiwan - Su-ao (Miyake, 1938a, Lin, 1949), Nanfangao Fishing Harbour (McLay, 1999); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (McLay, 1999); Chesterfield Islands (McLay, 1999); Vanuatu (McLay, 1999); New Caledonia (McLay, 1999); Loyalty Islands (McLay, 1999); Tuamotu Archipelago - Fangataufa (Poupin, 1996a, McLay, 1999): 205-520 m.