Genus Baruna

Stebbing, 1904

Carapace slightly broader than long, subquadrangular. Dorsal surface relatively convex in both directions, with regions poorly or fully indicated, without large granules, sometimes with a soft pubescence, but never stiff hairs. Antero-lateral margins entire or with two epibranchial teeth or lobes. Antennae as long as width of frontal margin. Orbits large. Buccal cavern broader than long. Third maxillipeds broad. Chelipeds equal to subequal, more swollen in males; outer surface of chela smooth or granulose; dactylus with a big proximal denticulated tooth. Ambulatory legs short, stout, with shaggy hair; merus with numerous spinules and sharp granules on lower borders and surface. Male abdomen with the second and third segments fused. G1 strongly recurved. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Baruna socialis Stebbing, 1904.

Species treated:
Baruna mangromurphia Harminto & Ng, 1991
Baruna sinensis Tan & Huang, 1995