Subgenus Macrophthalmus

Latreille, 1829

Carapace wide, more than 1.6 times as wide as long; front narrow, distinctly constricted at base; lower orbital border fringed with small tuberculate granules almost over entire length; antero-lateral teeth relatively narrow based, triangular; branchial regions usually with two clumps of granules on each posterior half; intestinal ridge sometimes present. Posterior margin of epistome protuberant, but without support of median ridge of anterior buccal cavity. Sixth abdominal segment of males with lateral margins somewhat expanded proximally; telson of females more than 2.6 times as wide as long. Ocular peduncle more than 0.7 times as long as carapace, narrow, cornea sometimes extending beyond external orbital tooth. Third maxilliped with merus distinctly shorter than ischium, both segments barely sculptured. In males, inferior ridge of palm usually weak; fingers stout, fixed finger hardly to strongly deflexed, armed usually with differentiated tooth on cutting edge; merus lacking stridulating crest. In females, palm of chela relatively deep; inferior ridge marginal, strongly raised, extending to level of articular knob of palm; inferior row of setae absent. Second to fifth pereiopods not thickly setose; merus of third and fourth pereiopods armed with subdistal tooth somewhat proximal to subdistal groove which is abruptly delimited. (Komai et al., 1995)

Species treated:
Macrophthalmus convexus Stimpson, 1858
Macrophthalmus milloti Crosnier, 1965
Macrophthalmus serenei Takeda & Komai, 1991