Genus Stelgistra

Ng & Liu, 1999

Carapace distinctly trapezoidal, anterior margin of carapace much wider than posterior margin; lateral margins of carapace entire, without trace of epibranchial tooth, strongly converging towards posterior carapace margin; regions of carapace well defined by distinct grooves; frontal margin strongly deflexed, covering most of antennules and part of the antennae from frontal view; antenna entering orbit; basal segments of antenna and antennules not separated by a septum; third maxilliped exopod with long flagellum; P1 palms with no ridges, row of granules, or stridulatory structure on dorsal margin; dactylus with numerous low transverse granules on dorsal margin; tip of fingers of both chelipeds strongly spooned evenly, not pectinated; merus prominently lamelliform, projecting anteriorly on inner distal margin, edges clearly visible from dorsal view when chelipeds are gently appressed against carapace; P2-3 coxae with dense tuft of long setae on ventral surface; male thoracic sternites 2-4 relatively narrow, male abdominal cavity extending almost to anterior margin of sternite 2; male abdomen triangular. (Ng & Liu, 1999)

Type species: Sesarma (Sesarma) stormi De Man, 1895.

Species treated:
Stelgistra stormi (de Man, 1895)