Genus Benthopanope

Davie, 1989

Carapace broader than long. Dorsal surface convex in the midline, with the regions markedly defined by granular dorsal crests. Antero-lateral margins with four, sometimes five, unequal teeth. Front protruding, with prominent median lobes and with distinct lateral lobules. Antennules folding transversely into the fossae. Chelipeds unequal, robust. Ambulatory legs of moderate length, unarmed. Male abdomen narrow, with all segments distinct. G1 long, sinuous, usually with the tip curled back on itself. G2 sigmoid. Thoracic sternum with the sternite 8 laterally visible beside the male abdomen. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Benthopanope estuarius Davie, 1989.

Species treated:
Benthopanope indica (de Man, 1887)