Subgenus Platylambrus

Stimpson, 1871

Carapace broader than long, broadly triangular, not concealing the legs. Dorsal surface carinated, deeply channelled with ridges, tuberculated or with spinose elevations, sometimes eroded. Margins arcuate, with denticulate, tuberculate, sometimes sharp teeth. Rostrum broad but acute, projecting, trilobate, without postocular constriction. Chelipeds often markedly disproportionate, very elongate and massive; merus and palm straight and with their margins sharply laciniate or serrate, or spinose; major cheliped with palm greatly broadened distally and with fingers widely gaping; minor cheliped with palm only slightly broadened distally and with fingers slender and pointed, not gaping. Ambulatory legs slender; merus unarmed or spinose. G2 very long. (Guinot 1998)

Species treated:
Parthenope echinatus (Herbst, 1790)
Parthenope hayamaensis (Sakai, 1965)
Parthenope nummifera Rathbun, 1906
Parthenope praedator (de Man, 1906)
Parthenope validus de Haan, 1837
Parthenope validus intermedius (Miers, 1879)
Parthenope validus laciniatus de Haan, 1837