Genus Perinia

Dana, 1852

Carapace broadly pyriform or peach-shaped. Dorsal surface with regions covered with distinct or obscure flat tubercles. Front short, with two teeth separated by a U-shaped or V-shaped notch. Supraocular eave completely fused with postocular cup. Intercalated spine absent between supraocular eave and postocular cup. Preocular tooth spine-shaped or not. Margins of orbits completely enclosing the eyestalk, with no hiatus or suture above or below. Eyestalks short and stout; eye almost immovable, without protection. Antennal basal article broad and stout. Male and female abdomens with all segments distinct. Chelipeds slightly asymmetrical. Ambulatory legs short and slender; anterior border of merus with spines or teeth. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Perinea tumida Dana, 1852, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Perinia tumida Dana, 1852