Genus Chalaroachaeus

de Man, 1902

Rostrum lacking; interantennular partition lacking; supraorbital eave rudimentary, not produced; distal margin of basal antennal article at least level with, usually extending forward beyond, anterior margin of eyestalk, free or fused to front; green (antennal) gland distinct and more or less distant from junction of basal antennal article and epistome; third maxilliped with merus narrower than ischium; basal antennal article usually cylindrical or subcylindrical; upper orbit lacking a postorbital lobe or spine, eyestalk, if movable, retracting against hepatic margin. (Davie 1996)

Type species: Chalaroachaeus curvipes de Man, 1902, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Chalaroachaeus curvipes de Man, 1902