Genus Ethusa

Roux, 1830

Carapace without antero-lateral teeth behind the evident exorbital tooth; front quadridentate or quadrilobate. Eyestalks movable. Basal segment of antennules not extremely swollen. Afferent branchial orifices wide and placed immediately against bases of chelipeds. Last two pereiopods not subchelate, dactylus short and not closing against tubercle of propodus. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Cancer mascarone Herbst, 1785, by subsequent designation by Fowler, 1912.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Ethusa indica Alcock, 1894
Ethusa izuensis Sakai, 1937
Ethusa latidactylus (Parisi, 1914)
Ethusa minuta Sakai, 1937
Ethusa quadrata Sakai, 1937
Ethusa sexdentata (Stimpson, 1858)