Genus Homologenus

A. Milne Edwards, 1888

Small size. Males smaller than females. Carapace triangular in outline, narrowing anteriorly. Linea homolica convex on the branchial regions. On the dorsal surface grooves not very deep and regions indistinct. Sometimes a strong unpaired gastric spine. Latero-anterior border short, characterized by the presence of a generally very developed spine; postero-lateral border long, unarmed or with a spinule. Rostrum very characteristic, long, nearly styliform, deflexed, with a broad base and two strong accessory lateral spinules. Two strong, divergent pseudorostral teeth. Orbit not delimited. Ocular peduncle very small, with a not swollen cornea. Supraorbital tooth absent or present. Subhepatic region hardly inflated, weakly delimited. A generally long antennal spine. Third maxilliped completely pediform. Even in males chelipeds very short and slender, shorter than P2; palm swollen or trigonal; fingers long, sometimes bent. P2-P4 long and slender. P5 very reduced in length and width. Subcheliform apparatus formed by a spine of the thin propodus opposed to the thin dactylus. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Homolopsis rostratus A. Milne Edwards, 1880, by monotypy.
Gender masculine.

Species treated:
Homologenus donghaiensis Chen, 1986