Scopimera longidactyla

Shen, 1932

Diagnosis: This species is closely allied to Scopimera globosa, but differs from it by the following characters:
Carapace quadrilateral, much broader and shorter than that of the preceeding species. Surface conspicuously and numerously granulated. Outer orbital tooth triangularly notched behind. Ischium with distinct granules as well as on merus. Fourth segment of male abdomen with lateral portion of its distal margin strongly concave. Second ambulatory leg much longer than first.

Description: Carapace very convex, much broader but shorter than the preceeding species. Its breadth not less than one and half times its length. Its depth greater than its length and its fronto-orbital breadth much greater than its length. Surface closely coverted with granules on lateral and median regions. Granulated lines on different regions similarly arranged as those on the preceeding species, except the curved ridge above the base of last leg more prominently granulated than that on the foregoing species.
Front more or less similar in shape to the preceeding form, except its antero-lateral margins converging anteriorly, lateral margin with its middle portion somewhat angulated. Its surface similar to that of the preceeding form.
Outer orbital tooth triangularly notched behind.
Lateral margin of carapace finely granulated and ciliated, continuous throughout its whole length.
Third maxillipeds not so bulging as in the preceeding species. Surface distinctly granulated on merus and ischium.
Cheliped of male more or less similar to that of Scopimera globosa de Haan. Carpus as long as merus, but shorter and broader than that of Scopimera globosa. Palm and movable finger together longer than carapace. The former slightly longer than high. Basal half of movable finger usually bearing seven to eight conspicuous teeth, of which the distal five are higher than the basal ones.
Ambulatory legs similar to those of the preceeding species, except the second leg much longer than first. Dactylus of last leg more than one and half times as long as propodus of the same leg.
Abdomens of male and female more or less similar to that of Scopimera globosa, except the fourth segment of male abdomen with lateral portions of its distal margin strongly concave, sixth with its distal portion broader than basal, seventh with its distal margin more arcuated than that of the preceeding species. First pair of male abdominal appendages different in shape from that of Scopimera globosa, its distal portion bearing stout setae which are longer on lateral portion than on medial. Abdomen of female elongate oval, not covering whole surface of sternum, its median portion convex. Seventh segment semicircular in shape, its basal breadth twice its length. Female openings sternal. (Shen, 1932: 259)

Type locality: Shanhaikuan, Bo Hai, China.
Range: China - Bo Hai and Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932); Korea - Bo-eun, Daecheon, Inch'on, Yeong-jong Island, and Ilsin (Kamita, 1941), Daecheon, Anmyeon Island, Bi-geum Island, and Nogdong (Kim, 1973); Taiwan - Tan-shui (Sakai, 1939, 1976, Lin, 1949), Fon-Kuei, P'eng-hu County and Uen-Ann, Hsin-chu County (Huang et al., 1992); estuary or inland sea, above and below high tidal mark.