Nanosesarma minutum

(de Man, 1887)

Carapace length/carapace breadth 5.3 /4 mm. Carapace slightly broader than long, and relatively thin; dorsal surface flat, smooth, demarcated and in places with short, dark setae; lateral border of carapace slightly convergent posteriorly and with a remarkable epibranchial tooth behind a sharp orbital spine immediately behind exorbital angle. Front steeply directed downwards, and half length of distance between outer angles of both orbits, and its margin slightly anteriorly protruded, setose and medially hollowed. Male abdominal segment 7 considerably longer than broad. P1 equal in length and figures; merus unarmed on dorsal margin, and distally with a triangular tooth on anterior margin; carpus thickly with short setae on dorsal surface; palm with a longitudinal line of rounded granules slightly above ventral surface, which extended distally to fixed finger. Palm with a band of thick setose in upper half of lateral margin, while smooth in lower half; mesial surface scarcely setose. Fingers as long as palm, slightly gaped, and their tips slightly crossed; mesial margin slightly granular; surfaces smooth and only with a tuft of setae at the base of joint. P2-5 rather short in length, and segments strongly contracted, sparsely setose; meri with a distal tooth on dorsal margin, and a sharp, triangular, subdistal tooth on ventral margin, and distal to it 2-3 small denticles. (K. Sakai after de Man, 1888d: 377)

Type locality: Edam Island near Jakarta, Indonesia.
Range: Dar es Salaam (Hartnoll, 1975); Madagascar - Nosy Bé and Tuléar (Crosnier, 1965); Inida - Bombay (Chhapgar, 1957); China - near Xiamen; Taiwan; Singapore; Indonesia - Edam Island (de Man, 1888d).