Hemigrapsus sinensis

Rathbun, 1931

Carapace rounded quadrangular, uneven, covered with granules and short setae, between the gastric and cardiac region with an H-shaped depression. Front about half the breadth of the carapace, slightly deflected Orbit very oblique, its dorsal margin pronounced medially. Infraorbital ridge has 6-7 inner granules, is narrower and smoother externally, with an abrupt constriction followed by 4-5 granules.
Chelipeds asymmetrical. Upper and outer surfaces of the palm each with 3 longitudinal rows of granules, and a patch of hairs on the outer surface. Inner borders of the two fingers with teeth of unequal size. Merus of the first 3 ambulatory legs with a subdistal spine on the anterior border. Carpus of the first 2 legs 3-carinate, 2 carinae on the dorsal surface, 1 on the ventral; this kind of carinae in the third carpus not prominent; in the last carpus indistinct. The last 3 segments of the legs roughened with a longitudinal line of bristles.
First pleopod of the male with a larger distal chitinous process, directed upwards. Abdomen triangular, telson bluntly rounded distally. Abdomen of the female rounded-ovate; telson triangular. Carapace length of the male 8.8 mm, breadth 10.8 mm; of the female, length 9.8 mm, breadth 12 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: North Fujian, China.
Range: Japan - Hizen-hama, Ariake Bay (Sakai, 1955a), Tara, Saga Prefecture, (Miyake, 1961), Hizen-hama, Ariake Bay and Mizuho, Shimabara Peninsula (Sakai, 1976a), Kinokawa, Wakayama (Nomoto et al., 1999); Korea - Jag-yag Island, Palmi Island, and Sorae (Kim, 1973); China - Takushan (Shen, 1935), Guangdong, Shandong Peninsula and Liaodong Peninsula (Dai & Yang, 1991).