Fizesereneia ishikawai

Takeda & Tamura, 1980

Carapace moderately depressed, subquadrangular, anterior part deeply concave and smooth, imperfectly subdivided into two by a L-shaped short median septum originating from posterior median concavity, posterior margin of each side of concavity convex posteriorly and fringed with a few spinules and dense soft hairs, posterior part of carapace flattened, with faint indication of regions; front shallowly concave and fringed with spinules and setae; internal orbital angle with a spine; antero-lateral borders of carapace with external orbital angle spiniform, behind it moderately convex, thin and upturned, bearing spinules and hair. Chelipeds homochelous, slender; carpus with small granules on its upper face. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Arakawa, Ishigaki-jima, Yaeyama-retto, Okinawa, Japan, 5 m.
Range: Japan - Ishigaki-jima (Takeda & Tamura, 1980a).