Geothelphusa minei

Shy & Ng, 1998

Carapace smooth, slightly convex transversely and longitudinally. Frontal region faintly divided into 2 lobes; supraorbital crista smooth; infraorbital crista with small, low granules. External orbital angle stout. Antero-lateral crista distinct, lined with small, low granules; epibranchial tooth small, barely discernible. Postorbital crista faint, lined with striae. Frontal and orbital regions covered with small granules; branchial and metabranchial regions lined with faint striae; gastric, cardiac and intestinal regions smooth. Antero-lateral margin cristate, uneven. Cervical groove faint; H-shaped median gastro-cardiac depression distinct. Distance between tip of closed male abdomen and anterior margin of thoracic sternite 4 equal to length of thoracic sternites 1-3. Right chela larger than left; external margin of palm rough; fingers of right chela forming ovate gape when closed. Ambulatory legs of normal length; total length of second leg about 1.2 times carapace length; length of merus about 4 times maximum width. Telson of male abdomen bell-shaped; segment 6 squarish. G1 with subterminal segment curving inwards, outer proximal margin with weak tooth, inner proximal margin dilated; terminal segment slender, slightly curving inwards, distal one-quarter covered with spinules and setae; length of synovial membrane about 3.3 times maximum width. G2 with outer proximal margin of basal segment dilated, faintly divided into 2 lobes; distal segment short, about 0.2 times total length. (Shy & Ng, 1998)

Type locality: Ishigaki-jima, Japan.
Range: Japan - Ishigaki-jima (Shy & Ng, 1998).