Ryukyum yaeyamense

(Minei, 1973)

Diagnosis: Carapace oval, strongly convex dorsally. Epibranchial tooth distinct. Gape of cheliped small. Sixth abdominal segment shorter than 7th. First pleopod moderately curved outwards; ultimate segment strongly curved outwards and not distensible; synovial membrane 1.6 times as long as broad.

Description of holotype: The carapace is oval and strongly convex in a fore and aft direction. The length of the carapace is 0.82 times its greatest breadth, and the depth is 0.69 times the length of the carapace. The postfrontal and postorbital regions bear short striae. The epibranchial region is indistinctly crenulate; the epibranchial tooth is distinct. The antero-lateral margin of the carapace bears indistinct crenulate striae and its posterior end turns little inwards on the dorsum of the carapace. The postero-lateral margin of the carapace bears some fine striae, but the subbranchial region bears many fine short striae. The front is strongly declivous, and is indistinctly crenulate; it is 0.26 times the breadth of the carapace, and 0.39 times the distance between the external orbital teeth. The suborbital region is smooth on the upper part, but crenulate on the lower. The pterygostomial region is crenulate on the upper, but smooth on the lower. In the third maxilliped the exopod reaches the proximal fourth of the merus; the merus is as long as broad.
The 6th abdominal segment is 0.46 times as long as broad and shorter than the 7th; the 7th segment is 0.66 times as long as broad. The first pleopod is moderately curved outwards; the penultimate segment is 7.0 times the length of the ultimate; the ultimate segment is strongly curved outwards and not distensible; the synovial membrane is 1.6 times as long as broad.
The chelipeds are unequal, the right one being moderately longer than the left. In the right cheliped the palm bears indistinctly short striae; it is 0.83 times as long as broad and 0.76 times the length of the dactylus. The dactylus is 0.58 times the length of the chela. The fingers have a small gape, with a series of indistinctly small teeth on the cutting edge. The ambulatory legs are slender, with short hairs on the propodus and the dactylus. The 2nd ambulatory leg is 1.7 times the breadth of the carapace; the propodus bears a row of spinules dorsally and two similar tows ventrally; it is 3.0 times as long as broad. The dactylus bears each two rows of the spinules dorsally and ventrally; the ventral two rows are composed of 8 spinules. (Minei, 1973)

Type locality: Omoto-dake, Ishigaki City, Ishigaki-jima, Okinawa, Japan.
Range: Japan - Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima (Minei, 1973, Sakai, 1976a), Ishigaki-jima (Ng & Shokita, 1995).