Ommatocarcinus pulcher

Barnard, 1950

Carapace with anterior half broader than the posterior one, broadest between the two outerorbital angles. Surface marked with a transverse crest in the anterior one-third portion; gastro-cardiac region with an H-shaped groove; branchial region also with a blunt carina. Front narrow, deflected, straight on dorsal view and triangular on frontal view, lateral margins concave and semicircular. Dorsal orbital margin slightly convex in the middle and granulated. Outerorbital angle sharp and prominent, directed sideway. Lateral margins distinctly converging backwards. Posterior margin slightly concave. Ventral orbital margin with a musical crest.
Chelipeds stout, asymmetrical. Merus with a smooth crest opposite to the stridulating crest. Carpus round on its dorsal surface, inner-distal angle short and sharp. Palm long and large. Finger of the major chela gaping. Ambulatory legs slender and elongate; merus compressed, its median portion broader; dactylus slender and sharp.
First pleopod of the male with distal portion narrowed and curved inwards, apex truncated obliquely. Male abdomen broadly triangular: the third segment the broadest; from fourth to seventh segments gradually narrowing distally; the sixth segment with the basal margin about 2.8 times the length of the segment; telson triangular, broader than long. Carapace length of the male 17.9 mm, breadth 43.1 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Natal coast, South Africa, from stomach of fish.
Range: South Africa - Natal coast (Barnard, 1947, 1950); China - Guangdong (Dai & Yang, 1991); Taiwan - Tungkang, Ping-tung County, and Tachi, I-Lan county (Ng & Huang, 1997).