Palmyria palmyrensis

(Rathbun, 1923)

Carapace shagreened, tubercles prominent near front and antero-lateral margins. Frontal margin medially grooved, finely dentate. Antero-lateral margin with three well developed acute teeth. Postorbital angle conspicuously spinose, curved. Inferior internal orbital tooth visible beyond frontal margin.
Anterior margin of buccal frame sinuous, scalloped. Anterior margin of efferent branchial channel noticeably raised, rounded.
Chelipeds considerably developed, markedly unequal. Anterior margin of ischium crenate, prominently spinose. Anterior margin of merus crested, serrate, distal angle produced into pronounced spine. Carpus tuberculate, tubercles of outer surface prominent, conical; a small spine distally at inner angle, a larger spine subdistally. Palm with outer surface armed with conical tubercles, serially arranged in alternate rows of small and large tubercles. Tubercles smaller, effaced near lower margin. Immovable finger of chela with toothed crest; dactyl armed with few shallow teeth. Proximal half of upper margin of dactyl with three rows of conical tubercles. Upper margins of meral, carpal and propodal articles of ambulatory legs carinate, minutely serrate. Curved tapered dactyl. Dactylar tip cornute, elongate, preapically on superior margin two spines, half as long as tip. A few short bristles proximally on superior margin, two longitudinal rows of four bristles each on posterior surface.
First male pleopod arcuate, subdistally setose, tip truncate. (Galil & Takeda, 1986)

Type locality: Palmyra Island.
Range: Aldabra Islands (Guinot, 1964b, Galil & Takeda, 1986); Réunion (Serène, 1984); Japan - Yoron-jima (Sakai, 1976a); China - Paracel Islands (Dai & Yang, 1991); Indonesia - Binongko Island and Gorong (Castro, 1999b); Palmyra Island (Rathbun, 1923c, Galil & Takeda, 1986).