Planopilumnus minabensis

Sakai, 1969

The entire body is thickly covered by hairs, which, on the dorsal surface of the carapace and chelipeds have a vermiform appearance, and on the ambulatory legs, are very long and fringe both borders of each segment. On denudation, the dorsal surface of the carapace is well-areolated by deep, smooth grooves. Each areola has a shallow depressed surface, which is surrounded by an obscure ridge marked with tiny granules. The front protrudes well forward, being divided into two truncate lobes, the free edges of which are granulated. The upper orbital margin is thick and has two distinct fissures. Behind the frontal lobes there are two pairs of granulated ridges, the anterior one being transverse and the posterior one oblique.
The antero-lateral borders are armed with four teeth, all acuminate and sparingly granulated; the last one is a little smaller than the rest. The postero-lateral borders are subequal to the antero-laterals, being straight and moderately convergent. The posterior border is slightly convex.
The chelipeds are robust and symmetrical; the merus is short but distally thickened and armed with a subterminal tooth on the upper ridge. The carpus is large and swollen, with a shallow dorsal and an oblique subdistal groove. The propodus is rather short but high with a dorsal groove near the superior edge, the outer surface has four longitudinal rows of granules, but the inferior surface is uniformly granulated. Both fingers are lightly pigmented, the pigment does not extend onto the surface of the propodus. The ambulatory legs are robust, thickly fringed with hairs. On denudation, the carpus has a deep groove on the upper surface and the propodus has a shallow groove on each upper and lower surface.
The abdomen is seven-segmented, the first and third terga are broadest and the terminal tergum is rounded triangular. The anterior pleopod of the male is curved in the distal portion, scattered with setae along the inner border. (Sakai, 1976)

Type locality: Kii Minabe, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan.
Range: Japan - Kii Nagashima, Kii Minabe and Shimogusui (Sakai, 1976a); Sulu Archipelago - Jolo (Garth & Kim, 1983).