Heteropilumnus mikawaensis

Sakai, 1969

The entire animal is sparingly covered with long hairs; the carapace is laterally subquadrate, its dorsal surface being vaulted on the anterior surface and almost flat from side to side in the middle and posterior surfaces. The regions are only obscurely defined. The front consists of two lobes, fringed with long hairs.
The antero-lateral borders are cut into four teeth, of which the first is entirely confluent with the external orbital angle and its free edge is obliquely cut, the second and third are obtuse and well-separated, the fourth is very small and acuminate. These four teeth are granulated when viewed under the microscope.
The left cheliped is small and the carpus, propodus and the proximal portion of the dactylus are studded with tubercles; the left cheliped is much larger than the right, the propodus being very heavy and the outer proximal surface with a few tiny scattered tubercles; otherwise the entire surface is smooth.
The ambulatory legs are very slender, each segment being flattened. Both anterior and posterior borders are thickly fringed with hair.
The male abdomen is seven-segmented, the first and third segments very broad as usual, and the fourth to seventh very narrow. The first male pleopod is looped near the apex and its inner border is beset with several setae, one of which is strikingly thick and long. (Sakai, 1976)

Type locality: Mikawa Bay, Japan, 100-150 m.
Range: Japan - Mikawa Bay (Sakai, 1969, 1976); 100-150 m.