Lentilumnus spinidentatus

(Garth & Kim, 1983)

Description of holotype: Carapace convex from side to side and very convex fore and aft: smooth and glabrous to the naked eye: finely punctate under high magnification: the portion near antero-lateral border minutely granulated. Regions quite indistinct, a concave portion between 4L and 5L. Front very much deflexed, divided into two very slightly arched lobes by a wide, very shallow notch, each lobe bearing no distinct lateral lobule and passing gradually into supraorbital border. Supraorbital border granulated and with a trace of fissure near the middle, extraorbital angle with a prominent spine, inferior border granulated, its inner angle low and without projection, bearing a wide, v-shaped notch near external orbital angle.
Basal antennal segment short and not quite reaching ventral prolongation of the front.
Antero-lateral border divided into four distinct, somewhat triangular (except the first) lobes, first lobe coalescent with extraorbital angle and bearing some granules, second and third lobes similar in shape and subequal in size and provided with a long spine, last lobe small and bearing a spine. Postero-lateral border much longer than antero-lateral.
Chelipeds very unequal and dissimilar; the right larger and stout, with a very deep palm and a broadly triangular immovable finger. Upper and lower borders of palm smooth, its outer surface covered with numerous conic, spine-like granules, with numerous short bristles and a few long hairs interspersed, the granules on the portion near the carpo-propodal articulation higher and sharper and fewer in number, fingers bearing six teeth on cutting edge in outer view, immovable finger bearing several conic granules on proximal surface. Arm short and high, its outer surface smooth except granulated borders, and covered with stiff hairs; wrist only a little longer than broad, its outer surface with sparse conic granules and longish bristles, the granules on the portion near the carpo-propodal articulation longer and sharper, the granules on the dorsal surface much smaller, its blunt inner angle beset with a prominent spine and several round granules. Smaller cheliped having a rather narrow palm with uniform conic, spine-like granules on the outer surface; its upper border provided with several blunt granules and its lower border almost smooth; fingers sharp-pointed, slenderer and distinctly grooved, with six irregular teeth; movable finger with three or four conic, spine-like granules standing in a row on each ridge. Wrist with granules and bristles of same pattern as larger cheliped, its blunt inner angle with a conic tooth.
Merus of all ambulatory legs provided with small granules on upper border and a spine at distal end of the border; carpus, propodus and dactylus having a number of short and long bristles and a few plumose setae; all carpi with a large sharp spine at the dorsal distal end, beside this terminal spine carpi in fourth legs and right third leg have three spines and one shorter spine respectively on dorsal surface; all propodi bearing one to four spines on dorsal surface near upper border and one spine on dorsal surface near upper border and one spine on dorsal distal rounded end; dactylus provided with spine-like bristles and longer bristles, having a long sharp horny claw.
Abdomen narrow and seven-segmented. First pleopod of pilumnid form, tip acute.
All paratypes have larger right cheliped; in two female paratypes the third lobe of antero-lateral border of carapace has an accessory spine; the spine on the external orbital angle is very small in some specimens; superior orbital border is entire; the armature on carpus of first to third ambulatory legs is variable according to individuals, and even according to legs in same individual; in some specimens spines on dorsal surface are lacking. (Garth & Kim, 1983)

Type locality: Ibugos Is., vicinity of Taiwan, South China Sea, 20°19'15"N, 121°51'E, "Albatross" stn 5321.
Range: South China Sea - Ibugos Island (Garth & Kim, 1983, Galil & Takeda, 1988).