Lophopilumnus dilatipes

(Adams & White, 1849)

Carapace convex on anterior portion and divided into regions by shallow but wide grooves, being covered with stiff yellowish hairs and with small sharp granules margined each with a tuft of some longer hairs on anterior half. Antero-lateral margin of carapace cut into 4 teeth; the first (external orbital angle) rather small and narrow, with 2 or 3 spinules; the second the widest and bordered with 4 or 5 spinules; the third with 2 or 3 spinules, and the fourth also spinulate. Postero-lateral margin almost straight, strongly convergent. Front bilobate, median notch deep and narrow; lobes convex. Orbit half as wide as front. Eye-peduncle roughened with dust-like granules and very short hairs.
Chelipeds unequal and closely appressed to carapace. Merus short and bordered anteriorly with 2 sharp spines which continue to form sharp ridge on anterior surface. Carpus stout, covered with short stiff hairs, and bordered with small granules on its upper portion; outer surface with 2 deep furrows which form a thick ridge of granules on lower median portion. Palm stout and covered with small granules and short bristles except on its lower border which is smooth and devoid of hairs. Fingers pointed at tips; immovable finger with 3 dentitions, inner portion of which has the base with tufts of hairs.
Ambulatory legs stout, but depressed, being covered with setae of various length and small granules. Distal half of anterior edge of merus with a triangle plate-like expansion. Whole upper border of carpus with 2 plate-like extensions, the first being narrow and located medially and the second as wide as that of meral edge and located anteriorly; between these 2 plates is a longitudinal narrow gap of short hairs.
Male first pleopod long and strongly curved at tip, borders beign lined with short stiff hairs at distal portion. Second pleopod very short, stout and tough at base; terminal end with a very fine hair.
Colour: In life, the specimen has the carapace with bluish black areoles and violet furrows. Cheliped banded with white and light violet; fingers dark brown; lower border of cheliped white. Ambulatory legs have the plate-like expansions banded with cream and violet. Abdomen white with violet tinge and dark purple spots. (Manuel & Takeda, 1990)

Type locality: Samarang, Philippines.
Range: Taiwan; Philippines - Samarang (Adams & White, 1848, Davie, 1988), San Fernando, La Union, Luzon (Manuel & Takeda, 1990).