Halimede tyche

(Herbst, 1801)

Carapace slightly broader than long, pentagonal in outline; surface convex, every region covered with isolated tubercles of various sizes; tubercles on anterior dorsal half flattish, while tubercles on posterior half somewhat cauliflower-like, spaces between tubercles covered with short tomentum. Front produced, margins elevated; anterior margin truncated, divided into 2 lobes by a longitudinal median groove, the outer margin of each lobe separated by a deep notch from the inner angle of orbit. Dorsal orbital margin slanted postero-laterally, armed with obtuse processes. Antero-lateral margin with 3 fairly large flat tubercles or bluntly coniform processes. Postero-lateral margin bearing a few tubercles, of which the foremost is more prominent.
Chelipeds symmetrical. Carpus covered with more than 10 flat tubercles or round-blunt processes on the dorsal surface and with a longitudinal granular row composed of fine granules on the outer surface. No gap between fingers. Ambulatory legs with short hairs on the anterior and posterior margins, dactylus slender and elongate.
First pleopod of the male elongate, distal half more slender and distal end curved inner-dorsally. Male abdomen narrow and long, the sixth segment squarish; the terminal one elongately triangular. Carapace length of the male 20.3-25.6 mm, breadth 24.4-31.9 mm; of the female, length 23.2 mm, breadth 28.9 mm.
Habitat: muddy or sandy-muddy bottoms, 20-50 m deep. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

This species shows remarkable variation especially with regard to the formation of the tubercles of the carapace and chelipeds. In typical specimens, 2M is again divided into two to four lobules, 1M is isolated and 3M is divided into three lobules, 2L is represented by a wart-like tubercle, 5L, 6L 3R, 2R are respectively crowded with a few tubercles, 4M is indistinct, while 1P is divided into two lobules, which are again crowded with small tubercles. All these tubercles are dorsally flattish or even concave and are well isolated from the circumferential surface which is covered with short fur. Antero-lateral borders are armed with three large flat tubercles on anterior half and with two smaller and one larger tubercles on posterior half. The postero-lateral borders also with several small tubercles. The frontal edges and the orbital borders are marked with flattish callous tubercles. The tubercles on the dorsal and external surfaces of the wrist and palm are especially well isolated and flattened. There are two distinct notches on the infraorbital border. (T. Sakai, 1939: 444)

Type locality: East Indies.
Range: Israel - Palmahim (Galil, 2000); Persian Gulf (Nobili, 1905, Stephensen, 1945, Galil, 2000); India - Tuticorin (Henderson, 1893); Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Ise Bay and coast of Miyazaki (Sakai, 1939, 1976); Thailand - (Rathbun, 1910a), between Koh Kut and Koh Khadat and off Koh Lan (Galil, 2000); Australia - Dampier Archipelago (Galil, 2000).