Lachnopodus rodgersi

Stimpson, 1858

Carapace transverse, about once and a half as broad as long, smooth, glabrous, and shining, with the interregional sutures almost obsolete; the two posterior teeth of the antero-lateral margins are the only ones developed, and are very obscurely marked and obtuse. The front is somewhat produced, and is divided by a median and two lateral incisions into four lobes, of which the two median are broad and truncated, and the lateral (or inner orbital lobes) are small and dentiform. On the upper orbital margin are three small obtuse teeth (including that of the outer orbital angle); the tooth at the inner and lower orbital angle is rather prominent. Third maxilliped merus is rather small and transverse; and this joint has a shallow pit on its outer surface. Male P1 robust, smooth; merus with a series of spinules on its upper margin; carpus smooth, with an anterior-internal tooth; palm slightly rugose externally, and with two longitudinal and parallel grooves on its outer surface; fingers short, robust, toothed on their inner margins and with the apices not excavated. P2-5 somewhat compressed and clothed with long fulvous setae; their meri spinulose on their upper margins. Male post-abdomen five-jointed; the third to fifth joints being coalescent. (Alcock, 1898: 89)

Type locality: Gaspar Strait.
Range: Kenya - Mombasa (Serène, 1984); Madagascar - Nosy Bé and Tuléar (Serène, 1984); Taiwan; Malaysia (Guinot, 1968a); Indonesia - Gaspar Strait (Stimpson, 1858a), Noordwachter Island (de Man, 1887d).