Paratergatis longimanus

Sakai, 1965

Carapace is very broad and semi-elliptical; the dorsal surface is smooth and only faintly areolated, flat from side to side or rather upturnes towards the lateral angles, declivous forwards in the anterior half and backwards in the posterior half. The front is less than one third the breadth of the carapace, its anterior margin is not sinuous and medially notched, and each of its lateral angles is rounded and continuous with the upper orbital margin, which is entire; the lower orbital margin is also entire. The basal antennal segment just touches the ventral prolongation from the front, its flagellum arised freely from the antennal hiatus towards the orbit, not standing close to the preorbital hiatus as usual in xanthoid crabs.
The antero-lateral borders extend obliquely outward and backward, are not very convex, and their margin is cristate, with two vestigial closed fissures and their lateral angle is rounded, not sharp or toothed. The postero-lateral borders are markedly concave.
The efferent branchial ridges are rather obscure, restricted to the posterior half of the endostome; they are parallel with each other and rather rectangular against the anterior ridge of the buccal frame.
The chelipeds are very slender, the merus is markedly longer than broad and the carpus small, while the propodus is also strongly compressed and distally broadened and its upper inner ridge is obscurely cristate; the dactylus is distinctly shorter than the propodus. The ambulatory legs are very slender, the merus of each has the anterior margin only slightly cristate, while the posterior margin is bicristate throughout its whole length; the carpus, propodus and dactylus are very thin, the latter being furnished with a few longish hairs.
An unusual feature is that in both sexes the second abdominal segment is not narrower than the first and the third, and the terminal segment is longer than the penultimate one. The second pleopods of the male is not typically tubular in the distal portion, being furnished with an obtuse process near the tip. (Sakai, 1965)

Type locality: off Jogashima, Sagami Bay, Japan, 60-85 m.
Range: Mozambique (Serène, 1984); South Africa - near Natal (Kensley, 1969, 1981, Serène, 1984); Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965a), Sagami Bay, Mikawa Bay and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1965b, 1976); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1968c); Taiwan - Tai-chi, I-lan County (Jeng & Ng, 1998); Philippines - south of Manila Bay (Serène & Vadon, 1981); 60-120 m.